Monday, February 25, 2008

Kids say the darndest things...

Liam wanted a cup of something a couple of weeks ago... he handed me a cup and was pointing and grunting toward the refrigerator, and I got him a small amount of water from the door water dispenser (then re-locked it so he didn't shower himself and the kitchen floor with water... I don't' like to mop every day, call me crazy!). I handed him the cup and he was still trying to get my attention and now poking himself in the eye! I thought perhaps he'd splashed himself with water in the eye, he HATES to get water in his eyes! No that wasn't it, I couldn't figure it out, and then all of the sudden the light bulb in my head went off! He was pointing at the fridge dispenser, and POKING HIS LITTLE EYE OUT! Liam wanted some 'eyes'! or Ice to you and me! I can see where to him it all sounds the same! I of course got him the cup of ICE, and he was thrilled, and I was laughing hysterically! Too cute!!!!!

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